China 1, Tommy 0

Saturday, October 28, 2006

For Once, I'm Not Joking

There is no way to be sure of this, but Anna and I get the distinct feeling that our internet use is being monitered and restricted. Specifically, none of us can access our blogs anymore. I can still post because that is done under a different web address, but I am no longer able to visit my own site and read the comments. In fact, a few days ago, every blogspot account became inaccessible to all of our computers. This isn't a blogspot problem either. Everyone in the States, as well as other parts of China, can still view the site.

I'm not sure if it's our school behind this, or the government, but it does seem to be happening. Other sites like have fallen victim as well. One day they work, the next they don't. The thing that sends my head spinning in conspiracy territory the most is the type of sites that are being blocked. I can't make out a specific pattern, but it never seems to be web sites that would be labled bland.

I can't guess how specific the monitering is, but I've started to wonder who reads this blog. This sounds paranoid (and I'm almost sure it's nothing that extreme), but something is going on and I'm not too happy about it. I do know that our school administration has a long history of dealing with problems in as indirect a way as possible, so this could be their way of avoiding a conversation.

Let me reiterate that there is no way for me to be sure that any of this is really going on. All I know for sure is that Anna's computer has mysteriously experienced the exact same problems as mine (the problems began on the same day). I would be very suprised to learn that this was a technical issue.

As a result of my new internet buddies (Grande Hermano, if you will), I'm going to have to moderate comments so they can be emailed to me. I don't think this will affect anything on your end, but let me know if it does. Also, if anyone could email me the comments from the last post you will move up in my friends ranking by 20 people. That would be great...assuming there are comments.

If I stop posting on this site, you know the reason why. They got to my posting web address too man!

I guess America is having its own civil liberties tested as well. I read that a bill was just signed into law that potentially eliminates Habeus Corpus for US citizens. I'm always baffled by people who are willing to defile the very things that make our country great in order to protect the nation they supposedly love. When do safegaurds overshadow the ideals they are trying to protect?

Well, at least China and America are coming together on something. They grow more open as we grow more closed.

It's time to stop catering to party loyalty and start asking oneself where this country is truly headed. We are redefining the excecutive position and laying down our civil liberties...all in the name of a war that can never completely end. For those who applaud the elimination of Habeus Corpus...when will we be ready to return to the version of America that we love?

Just make sure that you never fall on the wrong side rightousness. Keep convincing yourself that American blunders (Japanese Internment camps, the FBI wiretapping Civil Rights leaders in the 60's, to name a few) are only things of our past. It's true that you may not feel the negative effects when dismanteling the constitution, but you will still bear the responsibility for those that do.



  • Hey Chinese secret web surveillance dudes! China is overpopulated and polluted... and ugly! You guys don't even have fortune cookies!! And you are probably mean sometimes! I know there are meaner countries but you definitely need an attitude adjustment! Leave Tommy alone! And stop eating dogs!!

    Although I like your pandas. And kudos on soy sauce.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:27 PM  

  • For the record, the Military Commission Act to which you refer does not end the Writ of Habeas Corpus. American citizens still have, and always will have this right. Even non-citizens who are accused of being military enemies in America have this right. This legislation only applies to persons outside the United States accused of being a terrorist/military threat. This is not a Big Brother/Gestapo tactic -- this is defending our Constitution from those who want to destroy it violenly.

    In summation, don't believe everything you read from agenda-driven 'reporters' on MSNBC.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:28 PM  

  • Where have you been???????? Missing your updates!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:56 AM  

  • Where have you been? Missing your updates!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:56 AM  

  • dude. Are you dead or something? Did china really get to you? Where did you go?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:02 AM  

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